'Ubersichtskarte von MittelEuropa', 1909


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German map from world war I, dated 1909-1914. Scale 1:300.000.
1) Calais. North of France. Calais, Boulogne, Abbeville, Saint-omer, Baie de Somme. 1913.
2) Gent. French and Belgian coast, from Dunkerque up to Zeeuws-Vlaanderen. Cities of Brugge, Oostende, Gent, Veurne, Diksmuide, Torhout, Dendermonde, Lokeren, Sint-Niklaas. 1909-1914
3) Antwerpen. Regions of Mechelen, Kempen, Limburg, Maaseik. And the south part of The Netherlands: Rotterdam, Venlo, Arnhem. 1909-1914.
Dim: 50*46 cm
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